Glimpses of Life

Photography, Craft & Travels

More than 1,000


Wow!! I didn’t expect the response to be so great and I LOVED reading each and every comment left. You really made my day and reaffirmed what I do. And some of you are too sweet to link me up on your blogs as well, I will DEFINITELY be checking you out soon. 🙂

We also hit another record yesterday. Yup, there were more than 1,000 hits yesterday alone – more than any other day. 🙂 So THANK YOU again!! 🙂

So I decided to give another RAK. 🙂 A sweet one, especially for those who have me linked up on their blogs

Aren’t they the cutest? It’s the Cupcakes A’La Yummy stamps from Unity Stamp Co. And it comes in a little, cute organza pouch. Too cute I tell ya. 🙂

So just leave a comment on this post (with your blog link) if you’ve linked me up and I’ll pick a winner on Monday. 🙂

p/s: Don’t worry if you’ve already posted yesterday, POST AGAIN! You will be entered for the drawing for both RAKs. 🙂

48 thoughts on “More than 1,000

  1. OMG-Cutest EVER. I have linked u on my blog
    Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂

  2. Hey! Those stamps made me wanted to bake some right away!! You know, as much as I would like to have you linked up to my blog, I am still “blog-less”. No kidding. So good luck for those who stand a chance for this.

  3. Linked you up longgg time ago in my blog. Yummilicious cupcakes! I finally bought 1 at MWL the other day I was there. Don’t you miss them too? *giggling*

  4. Wow.. 1,000 hits in a day, that’s a lot!

  5. Those are some of the cutest stamps ever! You are just being sweet as a cupcake! tehehe

    Here’s my link…

    I warn you, though, I am very new to the blog scene. It’s nothing great…and I have no idea how to link blogs! :0)

  6. I linked you up a while back on my blog so I wouldn’t miss your awesome creations! Loving those stamps! You are too sweet for doing these awesome give aways!

  7. How “sweet” of you to give away these awesome stamps! I linked you on my blog – – come visit me sometime 🙂

  8. Hey Anne,
    I am such a late-comer in all this and such an IT idiot… but did finally (very recently only) jump on the blogging wagon 😛
    I happened to chance on your site so thought why not get in on the fun ! Your scrap work is so delightful and such an awesome inspiration 🙂


    Those cupcakes are adorable. I think I have a cupcake stamp obsession!

  10. Those cupcakes are so yummy!!!

  11. Oh My! Those are absolutely adorable! …and you are just too sweet doing another RAK! Here’s my link .

  12. so awesome! congrats on your 1000 hits!

  13. WOWWEEEE – 1000 hits!! I’ll be happy if mine hits 20! haha. Congrats girl!!

  14. How sweet…I linked ya! under my blogging friends!

  15. How kind of you to have another RAK, I would love to link you to my blog but have yet to figure out how to work that blog 😦 Maybe one day

  16. You’re linked! 😉 But, I’ll need your e-mail address so I can send you an invite to read my blog…it’s private. Really need to make something yummy today…hm…

  17. What a great blog you have! Your work is awesome too! And a great RAK!! Very cute!

  18. Thanks for such a sweet offer:) I heart Unity:)

  19. Wow…. 1000 hits a day! That’s great. 🙂

  20. first of all what an accomplishment. That is something to be proud of. YOu must be doing something really special. Second of all…those stamps…EEGAD THEY’RE CUTE ! Good luck to all !

  21. Way back in May, I was blurfing and came across your blog. I saw your LO titled “All in a Day’s Work” and I absolutely loved it, and decided it would make an awesome title for a LO of my own about our homeschool. I haven’t actually done that LO yet, but since then I have been hooked on your blog. Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration you share!

  22. I am about to link your giveaway over onto my blog :)! Congrats on all those hits :), here is my blog addy:


  23. you are so fabulous! Here is my blog with you on it…

  24. I linked you!
    Love those shoes on your blog banner!

  25. This is really sweet!! Thank you for the chance!
    Linked you here:

  26. Hi Anne.. this is fun.

    I have been drawing inspirations from your LOs since I started scrapping in DEC and I have been hooked on your blog since. At first, I’d sneak into MWL site to see if you have posted anything, soon, I just visit your blog directly and followed you through europe as well 🙂

    I just love the colors and contrasts you are able to create while I am always stuck with safe colors! SO.. please continue to post more LOs!!!!!

    I am also envious of your photography skills… *sigh*

    I am SMOKEYeyes on MWL and my link is

    Keep blogging!!!! 🙂

  27. tried to blogroll you, not having much luck at mo, sorry

  28. aweeeeeee those stamps are just gorgeous !!!! How adorable is your little cupcake!!!

    im going to link you on my blog now


  29. I am new to all of this and have not set up a blog yet. I love making cards but never realized there was a whole community out there that loved the same thing. I started my hobby while living in England. I lived there from 2000 until 2003. Ladies at my church all got together and made cards. All my friends made cards but none made scrapbooks.I work full time and don’t have as much time to do this as I would like. I find it helps on those days when I am feeling a little down. Good luck on yoor hits.

  30. Hi there! Its so sweet for real for you to put this on.. Im linking you to mine right now and will be checking back for more wonderful posts! You rock!

  31. Love the cupcakes! I subscribed and linked to you.

  32. Hi AM, hope you’re having a great time in Germany!
    Not sure if you remember who I am. We had a few acquaintances in MWL.
    Well, I don’t have a blog so can’t link you but your blog is on my favourites!

  33. Those stamps are too cute! They make me want to go bake some cupcakes with lots of creamy whipped topping. Can we say hungry? lol.

  34. You are the sweetest….and these are some cUTe stamps :o) I don’t have a blog yet and I’ve been meaning to get around to it, just haven’t yet…but I wanted to stop by and say hello :o)
    Have a GREAT evening :o)

  35. Ahhhh guess it was inevitable that I would have to share you with the outside world, my friend! 😉 Who wouldn’t want to visit your bloggy regularly? 😉

  36. Well aren’t those the most adorable little cupcakes! How sweet it is!
    Congrats on your hits and I’ve linked ya girl. Love your site.

  37. Heehee its me again, just being kiasu to try my luck again sld i not get my hands on the previous post rak. Which Singaporean aint kiasu right…haha

  38. I just love these stamps. Everyone loves a good cupcake.

  39. Those stamps are adorable. Who doesn’t love cupcakes especially when they are calorie free :o)

  40. Luv Luv Luv…consider urself linked?

  41. Such a cute set! Cupcakes are so hot right now!

  42. How cute is that! I love cupcakes!!! 🙂 Jane

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